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A Guide to Peak Performance Through People

As an organization grows and staff positions are added, the process of managing employee performance becomes more and more critical. The more proactive you are in managing performance the less of a drain it will be on your valuable time. In order for your organization to achieve its goals you need to ensure employees are meeting expectations on a regular basis. Performance gaps hit your business in many places:

·   Customer service,

·   Productivity,

·   Quality, and

·   Employee satisfaction

Allowing employees to perform below what your business needs creates a work environment of inconsistency, tension and frustration that eventually your customers will pick up on and choose to walk away from.

The good news is that there is a simple process you can follow that will ensure your employees

· Know what is expected of them

·  Are held accountable for meeting expectations

·  Understand the consequences of poor performances

·  Actively participate in managing their own performance

·  Use their strengths every day to help the company succeed

This little book is packed with valuable tips, techniques and checklists to ensure your people are working at their peak.